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All our players have the right to have fun in safe and happy environment.


We want all our children to enjoy ice hockey and to have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities as part of a happy team. 


Our safeguarding policies and codes of conduct help us achieve this. And everyone - from coaches, managers and volunteers, to parents and players themselves - has a responsibility to make sure our club is inclusive and safe for everyone.


If you feel something isn’t right, or are worried about the way a coach, manager, volunteer, or player is treating you or someone you know, please get in touch.


Our designated safeguarding lead is Cathy Finnegan, who can help deal with any concerns about child safeguarding.

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Catherine Finnegan

Designated Safeguarding Lead

U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, BH/NIHL2

© 2023 Streatham ice hockey

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